Student Government of Cerro Coso

Upcoming Events

CCCC Art Gallery Presents: "Transmitting Figures" by Sapira Cheuk


Student Services United Club


Students sitting at solar charging bench.


SGCC Meetings

Coyote Town Hall | First Tuesday of each month @ 12:30pm, Main Building 250 (Lecture Center) or join by Zoom
All students are welcome! This is a meeting of the general student body. 

Executive Board Meetings | Every Tuesday @ 1pm, LRC 722 and Zoom

The Student Government of Cerro Coso (SGCC), is the official student organization, with membership open to all students. The SGCC, through its governing body the Student Senate, promotes the Student Activities Program at Cerro Coso. A system of self-government has been established by which the students, through democratic action, formulate and execute policies and programs and prepare the student body's financial budget..

Cerro Coso Community College students can purchase an ASB Sticker each semester at the time of registration. The ASB Sticker is placed on each students identification card. These funds support the Student Activities Program which benefits the college and contributes to the welfare of all students. Possession of an ASB Sticker may qualify an individual to serve as a club representative or a student Senator, to hold office, to join college student organizations, and to receive student discounts at various merchants in the community.

Mission: The mission of the SGCC, in order to promote a harmonious environment, is to create an interactive atmosphere and immersive culture by providing student-oriented services, opportunities for involvement, and increased campus accessibility.

Objectives: The objectives of the SGCC are to represent our fellow students of Cerro Coso; uphold the constitution created by them; inspire, serve, and lead; and to make a beneficial impact within the community.

Meet Your SGCC Officers

Victor Zych | PresidentVictor Zych

Hey everyone! My name is Victor Zych, and I’m your SGCC President. I joined student government because I really wanted to gain experience in a leadership position. I’m studying medical assisting and planning to finish my prerequisites in order to transfer to a 4-year university. I also love to play video games, read, and go to the gym. I’m excited about this school year, and I can’t wait for what’s to come.

Garrett Wilkinson

Garrett Wilkinson | Vice President

Salutations students, my name is Garrett Wilkinson and I am currently serving my second term as your Vice President. I am majoring in IT and will (hopefully) be transferring to University of Nevada Reno to study computer science and engineering in Fall of 2024. My hobbies include reading, drawing and, of course, video games. This is currently my fifth semester at Cerro Coso, starting in Fall of 2021. When I first started at Cerro Coso, activity on campus was dead. I could sit in the LRC for hours and be the only student the whole time. In the years since, I have observed an incredible resurgence of on-campus activity. As events coordinator, I hope to further improve student participation, particularly at scheduled events. The position also can’t hurt my résumé. 

Crystal Padron

Crystal Padron | Communications Officer

Hello fellow students! My name is Crystal Padron, and I am currently serving my second term as SGCC Communications Officer and the Student Government Representative for Phi Theta Kappa. As a 100% online Business major, I joined student government to get more involved with Cerro Coso and also help work towards positive changes on and off campus. I am a returning college student and wanted to take the opportunity to do things I wish I previously would have done, such as joining a club. My passion for helping others led me to this position, and I hope to contribute to shaping our school's culture. Some fun facts about me are that I am a first-generation college student, a mom to a five-year-old boy, I'm bilingual in Spanish, and I live in little ole' California City. Even though I am an online student, I have attended several on-campus events and have had the opportunity to meet professors and fellow students. I hope to inspire other students to actively participate and get involved with Cerro Coso Student Government, regardless of whether they are attending in-person or online.

Genevieve Vogel

Genevieve Vogel | Finance Officer

My name is Genevieve Vogel, and I am your student government Finance Manager. I am a Cerro Coso freshman and plan to transfer to a four-year university later. I am currently enjoying my second semester here at Coso. My current major is General Science, but I aim to obtain a degree in Nuclear Engineering. I enjoy reading, drawing, hiking, and playing music with my friends when I'm not at college. I joined student government for the leadership skills and lessons and to learn/help out with student life on campus. As student government Finance Manager, I plan to maintain and manage money to allow students to have fun clubs and events to look forward to. I can't wait to see all the fun events students can chill at and bring back student life!

Zackary Prusia

Zackary Prusia | Event Coordinator

Zackary Prusia is a dedicated student at Cerro Coso Community College, serving as the Event Coordinator for the student government. Passionate about enhancing student life, Zackary aims to create engaging and inclusive events that bring the community together. In his free time, he enjoys playing video games, which fuels his creativity and teamwork skills. He looks forward to making a positive impact on campus and fostering a vibrant student community.


Vacant | Secretary


Participatory Governance

Cerro Coso practices Participatory Governance, allowing all members of the college community to be represented in governance bodies. Specific Participatory Governance Teams have student representative spots available. Those teams are: Accreditation Steering Committee, Budget Development Committee, Facilities Committee, Professional Development Committee, Program Review Committee, Safety and Security Committee, Outcomes Assessment Committee, Student Equity and Achievement Committee, and Technology Resource Team. The SGCC is also represented by 2 members on the College Council, which has the responsibility for the integration of planning for the long-term direction of the college, which includes decisions regarding programs, facilities, financial planning, staffing, and organizational development. To become a student team member contact Tyson Huffman.

District Representatives

Section 72023.5 of the Education Code provides for a student to be a non-voting member of the Board of Trustees. The associated student body selects a student to serve as members of a District Steering Committee. This committee considers issues and concerns of the district representative and advises the student member of the Board of Trustees who will chair the District Steering Committee. Student members are chosen during April and commence the term of office at the first meeting in June. Any replacements for student representatives will be made by the associated student body. To be eligible a student must be in good standing with their college. District employees, other than student employees, are ineligible.

State Representatives

The California Community College State Chancellor's Office has various advisory committees that are made up of representatives from community colleges statewide. On each committee there are positions for student representation. If you are interested in being a representative contact Tyson Huffman.

SGCC Documents

Agenda and Minutes